Veterinary Blogs
Veterinary Blogs
We love educating our clients, that’s why we have curated and shared posts filled with helpful information regarding pet care.
Cumberland Animal Clinic Veterinary Blogs
Easy Treatments to Fix Your Pet’s Dry Skin
Easy Treatments to Fix Your Pet’s Dry Skin As temperatures fall, so do humidity levels in outdoors and in your home. A drop in humidity often leads to dry, itchy skin and can leave your furry friend uncomfortable during the winter months. Prevent excessive...
Your Pet Should Be Doing These Daily Exercises to Stay Healthy
Your Pet Should Be Doing These Daily Exercises to Stay Healthy While all pets need exercise daily, the amount varies for each cat or dog. Take into account your pet’s age, breed, and health when coming up with a general exercise plan. Daily exercise...
Ways To Deal With Changing Behavior in Your Senior Pet
Ways To Deal With Changing Behavior in Your Senior Pet Growing older appears to be associated with a variety of health difficulties for pets, including behavioral issues. As your pet gets older, keep an eye out for any potential behavior problems so you may...
Ways To Keep Your Pet Entertained This Winter
Ways To Keep Your Pet Entertained This Winter When the weather outside becomes too cold and snowy, it can be tough to find ways to entertain your pet indoors. Spice up their exercise routine with the following fun interactive games and toys to help your furry...
What to Do If You Find a Lump on Your Pet: Advice from Your Vet
What to Do If You Find a Lump on Your Pet: Advice from Your Vet November is National Pet Cancer Awareness Month. Since approximately 1 in 4 pets will develop cancer at some stage in their life, it is essential to know how to spot potential warning signs. This...
5 Signs Your Pet May Be Suffering from Pet Diabetes
5 Signs Your Pet May Be Suffering from Pet Diabetes National Pet Diabetes Month, which takes place in November, aims to inform pet owners about the symptoms and treatment of this endocrine disorder. By learning how to spot the following signs of pet diabetes,...
Pet Obesity Prevention Starts with These 3 Steps
Pet Obesity Prevention Starts with These 3 Steps Did you know that more than half of the nation’s cats and dogs are considered overweight or obese? In honor of National Pet Obesity Awareness Day, which falls on October 12, we are sharing tips to help prevent pet...
5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe Inside and Outside Your Home
5 Ways to Keep Your Pet Safe Inside and Outside Your Home Your pet’s sense of curiosity and smell can land them in a heap of trouble if you don’t take precautions. In honor of National Animal Safety and Protection Month, our team shares tips on how to keep your...
How To Treat Diarrhea in My Dog
How To Treat Diarrhea in My Dog Nothing makes a pet owner rise from their bed more quickly in the middle of the night than the unmistakable sound—and smell—of their dog having diarrhea. While this occurrence may prompt you to turn to Google for...
3 Back-to-School Transition Tips for Your Pet
3 Back-to-School Transition Tips for Your Pet Making the switch from summer to school can be rough for all family members, four-legged ones included. To help make the back-to-school transition easier—for your pet, at least—give the following tips a try. ...